Your intuition is the most powerful secret weapon you have

Your intuition is the most powerful secret weapon you have

Have you ever had a gut feeling that kept nagging at you that made you feel like you should go in one direction when logic told you to go in the other direction? Which do you choose? Your pro and con list? The logical course of action? Or your gut instinct which provides NO facts or in most cases doesn't even make common sense? I say... go with your gut. It's never wrong. It knows things that you could never predict or know about. In 2001 I planned an exciting two week trip…continue reading →
Throw out your goals and replace them with milestones

Throw out your goals and replace them with milestones

When you first entered school, you learned the formula for success that followed you throughout your formal education and into your career. It’s a simple formula. Set a goal, have a plan, take action on the plan and then achieve the goal. In school your goals are getting an “A”. You are taught to always strive to get good grades. And it was encouraged to work really hard to get the “A”. In your career, you are told to work hard so you can get a raise or a promotion. In your business,…continue reading →