Introducing The Brand New Six Month Power Activation Program

Only 50 Spots Available For This Life Changing Program With Debbie Lynn Grace!

Dear Friend,

Are you experiencing any of the following in your life?

  • Thoughts and feelings of not being enough.
  • Feeling disconnected from your life, your intuition, your soul or your purpose.
  • Your spiritual practices don’t seem to be helping you move
    fast enough towards your dreams.
  • There is something(s) that you want clarity on and the answers still remain elusive.
  • You still get stuck, recreate old patterns of constrictive behavior or trigger yourself into fear.
  • You have days of flow followed by days of feeling low and out of sorts.
  • You think you might be “doing” something wrong in your spiritual practice because you don’t find or stay in flow.
  • You battle inner self judgement.
  • You are secretly carrying feelings of guilt or shame for not moving forward towards your purpose or calling that has knocked on your door.
  • You hide sides of yourself to the public that you don’t think will be accepted.
  • You secretly KNOW you are a powerful person, but you can’t help feeling you are “too powerful” and that you will be judged or criticized
    if you truly show you authentic powerful self.
  • You know there is something bigger for you to do but that terrifies you and so you find yourself stuck in confusion or don’t move forward.
    You experienced painful situations in your childhood that left you feeling so vulnerable and powerless that you find yourself stuck now
    and block from receiving what you want – love, prosperity, freedom, inner peace, purpose.
  • There is ONE thing your heart deeply desires. You have spent time, money and resources committed to having that one thing, but ulimately your hard work and effort has yet to bring you this ONE THING.

These are symptoms of the three biggest energy blocks for the highly sensitive person who is committed to their spiritual journey but can’t get traction in manifesting the things you deeply desire in your life.

My calling came knocking on my door 25 years ago when I was going through a divorce. Up until that time spirituality wasn’t something where I spent my time and attention. Instead I was focused on the path of success we are taught very early on in life when we first start school called focused success.

This is the success formula that is drilled into your head from an early age. It’s all based on achievement. The more you focus on working hard to achieve a goal, the more you are rewarded. This is the common goal setting strategy that you follow all the way through school and then is reinforced when you get a job.

Unfortunately, this success strategy doesn’t guarantee your happiness, your fulfillment or good health. It doesn’t require you to be authentic, satisfied or passionate. It’s a systematic formula that can get you more money but not necessarily happiness or joy. And if you are feeling stuck, this formula doesn’t put into alignment the root cause of why you are stuck to begin with.

The common solution when you are feeling stuck or blocked and out of alignment is to come up with a plan and work harder. Yet “working harder” is NOT the best solution to put yourself into a place of flow and ease. And here’s why…

While you may get temporary results with this ineffective method, it will NOT remove the very energy blocks preventing you from creating the life you truly desire in alignment. In fact, this course of action can actually keep you STUCK in the pattern of low vibration thinking of fear and constriction.

Your soul is guiding you on your MOST authentic powerful path when you know how to follow it’s wisdom.

You were born to walk in partnership with your soul. This is the journey of SOUL ALIGNMENT. Your soul came with you into this lifetime to guide you to a life of joy, fulfillment, prosperity, unconditional love, creativity and passion. That’s the good stuff. The stuff that makes the journey rewarding, rich and juicy.

Some people never hear their soul talking. But if you have landed on this page, that’s not you. You HAVE heard your soul talking and you want a deep soul connection and dialogue. You want to know MORE…

Your soul holds the keys to the clarity that explains the value of your life. What you came here to do and how to do it with ease and joy and prosperously. You already came into this lifetime with the raw materials in place. The exact miraculous formula that makes YOU uniquely YOU.

Unfortunately, the path of focused success can make you cover up all the good stuff of what makes you magnificent and truly powerful. In your search to get ahead, you can lose sight of the deep connection available to you with your soul who guides you to the glorious and authentic life your heart yearns for.

When I first embarked on my spiritual journey I found myself straddling two ways of living. I was exploring my spiritual side trying to find the flow and feel more connected to my soul and the universe. At the same time I was still using the formula of focused success to reach my goals.

I quickly found that these two ways of being clashed. In fact, trying to live my life this way led to me crashing more than succeeding. And I never felt my authentic self. I just didn’t know how to follow my spiritual path and FEEL the flow AND prosperity I was seeking in every aspect of my life. 

Introducing the Six Month Power Activation Program…

Life is a journey. There is no magic overnight pill that instantly fixes what is bothering you and makes it all go away. In fact, most of your past is incredibly important to showing you how truly powerful you are as long as you know where to look to mine the gold from your former pain. In looking over the last 25 years of my spiritual journey of consciousness I realize that the universe gave me gifts, tools and wisdom that were all important clues on how to access my own inner power.


Where I was lost was that it felt like I got a bunch of ingredients without the recipe. How did I use everything I had learned to access the inner power while using the spiritual tools I had gathered to give me what I deeply desired and live the life of ease and prosperity I knew could be possible, but didn’t know how to obtain without struggling and working harder.


All that changed, when I finally understood the recipe that takes all the spiritual tools, all the experiences from my past, all the gifts I have (including the gift of being highly sensitive and empathic) and combines them to finally ACTIVATE the inner power I knew was waiting to use each and every day.


It’s the manual to life in the form of a six step formula I wish someone had given me growing up to take away the pain of feeling different and wondering how I could fit into the world that was wired differently than I am wired. This is the formula that DISSOLVES the three common energy blocks that plague the lives of highly sensitive people who truly want a life that delivers what your heart yearns for but don’t know how to get it.


I had finally discovered this powerful six step formula that uses ALL your spiritual tools, ALL your gifts, ALL your knowledge, ALL your skills and ALL your authentic power so that you can masterfully navigate your life to attract what you deeply desire and follow the purpose filled and prosperous life you know is yours to have.


At my past live events, I have offered over the years, a six month follow up program to support my students in the continuation of their conscious evolution and expansion. But I have never made this offer to people who were not able to attend my live events.


For the first time EVER, I am now combining the BEST elements of my life’s work of over three decades. I am offering a brand new six month program to show you how to DE-ACTIVATE the very fears based on your core wounding from a painful past and then how to ACTIVATE your own authentic power. This is the ONLY way the spiritual tools of abundance, prosperity, intuition and faith will ever be able to work powerfully and magically in your life. It is also the only way you can ultimately live powerfully as your true authentic self. Introducing the Six Month Power Activation Program. In this program, I will teach you all the tools using the RECIPE you need to make these tools most effective in your life. Then I will guide you in implementing these tools personally through personal guidance that incudes a one-on-one private session with me along with more support in an intimate and safe online group setting.


This program is limited to 50 participants who will be divided into smaller groups. That way I can give you the personal support and guidance to learn the six step formula and then guide you personally on how to apply it to your life. This gives a more intimate group experience and enables me to customize the information to YOU personally.


The program includes:


*The live online course “How To Get The One Thing Your Heart Desires”                  

(5 Week LIVE Online Course)

*All Audio Downloads Of The Course                                               

*All Handouts For The Course                                                             

*Two Q&A Calls with Debbie Lynn Grace                                                     

*Two Group Calls Per Month For Five Months                          

   (10 people max/group)


Bonus #1: Power Activation Background Self Assessment                      

Bonus #2: 30 Minute Power Activation Private session with Debbie Lynn Grace            

Bonus #3 Weekly Power Activation Video (19 videos starting July 13)

Bonus #4: One Ticket To Debbie’s Next Live 3-Day Event            

“I believe without your classes I would be a basket case. I’ve been unable to work for the past 5 weeks on a full schedule but you know, I’ve actually been calm and completely focused on healing my eyes and my whole body. So the material you’re teaching right now I’ve been using and it is working. Business is still flowing, people are still calling me. I’m featured on a blog in Forbes Magazine today. You’re right, miracles do happen. Thanks.”

~ Marcy M.

As a result of taking this six month program you will:

  • Understand how your soul guides you to the EXACT information and solutions you need to have what you want in EVERY area of your life.
  • Know how to de-activate and be complete with your old fears blocking your expansive future.
  • Know how to live authentically in your own personal power and be free from other people’s judgement or criticism so you can live peacefully and joyfully.
  • Know how to feel safe and secure in the knowningness that walking in faith is the safest and most expansive place to be.
  • Feel MORE confident in who you are and what is possible for you in EVERY area of your life.
  • Be more resilient and centered when unexpected obstacles cross your path so that you don’t get triggered into fear, sadness, overwhelm, shame or guilt.
  • Feel more inspired, passionate and connected to your true authentic nature.
  • Access profound wisdom formerly unavailable to you.
  • Have clarity around questions you have been thinking about for years.
  • Have the courage to face and release old patterns you have been aware of and weren’t ready to release on some level internally.
  • Increase your capacity to receive greater levels of prosperity and love.
  • Feel more powerful and aligned with what is most important to you
  • No longer feel burned out, deprived, overwhelmed or struggling.
  • Create a life that is fulfilling, passionate, prosperous, loving, creative and expansive.
  • Be able to MAGNETIZE and MANIFEST what you deeply desire and the fulfilling life
    you truly want from a place of ease, flow and grace. (Including the ONE thing your
    heart yearns for.)

“I have worked with Debbie over the years and she has helped me in many aspects of my life. To live a successful life you want to be well rounded and in alignment in every area of your life. And that is what Debbie has done an incredible job in helping me to do.

Being in alignment in my spiritual, my mental, my physical, my relationships and also helping me grow my business by 1000’s of percent. I have hired many professionals over the years that have not gotten me the results I wanted.

Debbie has always helped me get incredible results. I go back and listen to the advice she has given me and it always applies to the situation at that moment. Debbie is the real deal and can help you get incredible results and live the life of your dreams.”

~ Gene Y.

Here’s what you will learn 

Class One: The Six Step Formula To Get The One Thing Your Heart Desires

In this class, you will find out the TREMENDOUS power you already have inside of you that is the authentic you. The parts that are aligned with your soul path. The parts that are magnetic. The parts that are gifted.  The parts that can manifest what you deeply desire. The parts that are your soul qualities. The parts that support having an abundant life in every area including your financial prosperity. You are already BORN with these parts.

Your Sacred Soul Path is all about who you are being as the authentic person who you were born to be, walking the soul path that you were always destined to walk. In this path, the truth is led by what your heart yearns for. It yearns to live in the authentic nature that you always were meant to live.

No one taught you in school that the original masterpiece that is YOU, is the MOST important thing to truly live a rich and rewarding life that brings you inner fulfillment and peace along with anything else that is deeply important to you.

You will discover what is hidden beneath the surface that has been de-activated by your fears and is now ready to be ACTIVATED to enable you to shine, succeed and live freely as your authentic powerful self.

Class Two: How To Activate Your Authentic Power

In this class, you will find out the TREMENDOUS power you already have inside of you that is the authentic you. The parts that are aligned with your soul path. The parts that are magnetic. The parts that are gifted.  The parts that can manifest what you deeply desire. The parts that are your soul qualities. The parts that support having an abundant life in every area including your financial prosperity. You are already BORN with these parts.

Your Sacred Soul Path is all about who you are being as the authentic person who you were born to be, walking the soul path that you were always destined to walk. In this path, the truth is led by what your heart yearns for. It yearns to live in the authentic nature that you always were meant to live.

No one taught you in school that the original masterpiece that is YOU, is the MOST important thing to truly live a rich and rewarding life that brings you inner fulfillment and peace along with anything else that is deeply important to you.

You will discover what is hidden beneath the surface that has been de-activated by your fears and is now ready to be ACTIVATED to enable you to shine, succeed and live freely as your authentic powerful self.

Class Three: How To De-Activate The Fears That Are Sabotaging Your Life

Any thoughts of doubt, lack, stress, worry or frustration you have are really the inner dialogue of your limited beliefs that operate at a subconscious level. These limiting beliefs operate below the surface and get triggered any place where you deeply want something but don’t think you can have it. This ends up in a never ending cycle of you trying to work harder to get what you want and yet are no closer to having it.

Your fears are like weeds that just when you think you have pulled them out, they pop up again. In the form of fear based thinking, self-sabotaging behavior or old patterns of behavior that keep you stuck.

In this class you will learn how to de-activate these limited parts that have kept you stuck and then then ACTIVATE the soul based power part that actually does bring you the very thing you desire.

Class Four: How To De-Activate The Fears That Are Sabotaging Your Life

Any thoughts of doubt, lack, stress, worry or frustration you have are really the inner dialogue of your limited beliefs that operate at a subconscious level. These limiting beliefs operate below the surface and get triggered any place where you deeply want something but don’t think you can have it. This ends up in a never ending cycle of you trying to work harder to get what you want and yet are no closer to having it.

Your fears are like weeds that just when you think you have pulled them out, they pop up again. In the form of fear based thinking, self-sabotaging behavior or old patterns of behavior that keep you stuck.

In this class you will learn how to de-activate these limited parts that have kept you stuck and then then ACTIVATE the soul based power part that actually does bring you the very thing you desire.

Class Five: Crossing The Bridge Of Spirituality

Your soul came with you into this lifetime to guide you to a life of joy, fulfillment, prosperity, unconditional love, creativity and passion. That’s the good stuff. The stuff that makes the journey rewarding, rich and juicy.

Your soul holds the keys to the clarity that explains the value of your life. What you came here to do and how to do it with ease and joy and prosperously. You already came into this lifetime with the raw materials in place. The exact miraculous formula that makes YOU uniquely YOU.

Unfortunately, the path you were taught in school to succeed can make you cover up all the good stuff of what makes you magnificent and truly powerful. In your search to get ahead, you can lose sight of the deep connection available to you with your soul who guides you to the glorious and authentic life your heart yearns for with the gift of manifestation and intuition as the power tools you could be using to make this path easier.

In this class you will discover the bridge that the universe has given you to integrate the soul journey you are on and at the same time go after the things you deeply desire in life – whether it is financial freedom, a love relationship, a fulfilling career or clarity on your life purpose. In this class, you will be guided to identify the actual EVIDENCE in your life right now that your soul is completely supporting you on this journey. The universe proves to you on a daily basis that what you desire IS possible as long as you understand the spiritual bridge that is the key to getting you to where you want to go.

Class Six: Living In A Permanent State Of Abundance

In this class you will learn how to move beyond just making ends meet, or having just enough or even living in the fluctuation of not enough to a state of flow back to not enough. These are all the limitations of a fear based life. The universe has provided you already with an abundant life so that every area of your life can be lived from the OVERFLOW of what is available to you.

In this class, you will discover the evidence of abundance that already exists in certain areas of your life. And then stretch that to ALL areas of your life, so abundance becomes your normal way of being. 

Class Seven: The Power Of Loving Yourself Unconditionally 

Faith… You can’t see it, feel it, hear it, taste it or touch it and yet, it is the key to living a life of full self-expression, authenticity, fulfillment and abundance with ease and flow. Faith is what connects you to Your Sacred Soul Path.

Without faith, your life becomes harder because it’s dependent on YOU being the sole provider of everything that happens in your world. This leads to a life of struggle, hard work, control and burnout that takes a toll on your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Without faith, life feels lonely and you will see the world through the eyes of your wounded self.

Faith is something ALWAYS available in your life. It’s like electricity in your house. When you turn off the lights, electricity is still available even though you are not accessing it. In this class you learn how to find it even in the hardest of times and stay connected to it, so your soul’s guidance can come through for you.

Class Eight: Walking In Faith Everyday

Everyone has the same two purposes in life. To serve and to experience unconditional love – for others and for yourself. Most people jump at the chance to be in service. This is the place where they look to find love and where it feels safe to find love. If you are in service to others, you don’t have to worry about how you feel about yourself. You can experience love through your passion and compassion for others.

While this is great, it’s not fully satisfying. No matter how much you give to others and bring happiness to those around you, it’s only HALF of your purpose. It will NEVER replace the experience of truly feeling loved by another AND loving yourself. It’s the reason why you can be in great service to others in the world and still end up feeling depleted, disconnected and lonely.

In this class, you will focus on love for yourself. It’s often the hardest one for people to embrace because there are parts inside of you that have felt disconnected from love for most of your life. This is the class where you re-connect and fall deeply in love with ALL parts of yourself with the highest level of compassion and respect. When you have deep unconditional love for yourself, you completely bypass all the low vibrations of fear and you heal the unaligned parts inside that have kept you stuck.

Get Your Questions Answered In The Two Live Q&A Calls! 

Included in the course are two live Q&A group calls with Debbie where you can ask her any question you have regarding your own personal situation. This is your opportunity to get personal attention and guidance from Debbie during the course. During this call, Debbie will address your own specific questions about any of the course content and challenges you are specifically facing.

“Debbie, there aren’t words. You are just amazing. You say the right things and you channel the right things.. However it comes, it’s perfect. I look forward to doing many more programs with you. Thank you so much.”

~ Rita C.

All The Program Details

#1: The Brand New Live On-Line Five Week Tele-course on “How To Get The One Thing Your Heart Desires.”

The six month program includes the brand new online tele-class course called “How To Get The One Thing Your Heart Desires.” This is an online tele-class series where you can listen in the comfort of your own home. You can listen to the calls via phone or by webcast. All the calls will be recorded so you don’t ever have to worry about missing any information. And you will have immediate access to the recordings as soon as the live call is over.

The course is TEN sessions including two live Q&A calls.

Enrollment period for this course ends on June 9, 2020.

Course Schedule

Mark your calendar for the dates of the live class schedule:

Classes are on Tuesday and Thursday for five weeks straight starting on June 9, 2020. All classes are at 12 PM PACIFIC (1 PM Mountain, 2 PM Central, 3 PM Eastern)

Class One: June 9
Class Two: June 11
Class Three: June 16
Class Four: June 18
Class Five: June 23
Class Six: June 25
Class Seven: June 30
Class Eight: July 2
Q&A Call #1: July 7
Q&A Call #2: July 9 (This Q&A call is at 5 PM Pacific)

#2: Five Months of Bi-Monthly Group Calls

This program is limited to 50 participants. Debbie will be breaking the attendees into smaller groups so that she can give you customized attention, guidance and support during the bi-monthly group calls. There will be a total of 10 group calls over a five month period. The group size will be a maximum of 10 participants and could be less in each group. The bi-monthly group calls are from July – November. You will be sent the schedule of the group calls once you register for the program.

BONUS #1: Power Activation Background Self Assessment

After you go through the live course, you will be sent a Power Activation Background Self Assessment. This enables you to determine the specific fears and old programming that are currently activated in your subconscious and that is blocking you from getting what you truly desire.

BONUS #2: A 30 Minute Power Activation Private Phone Session With Debbie Lynn Grace

During this private call Debbie will review your completed Power Activation Background Self Assessment and be able to tune in and suggest a customized program specifically for you to follow during the five months of follow up support. You will get clarity on what has been holding you back and how to dissolve the energy blocks. This private session will be held on her conference line and will be recorded so you have permanent access to the information.

BONUS #3: Weekly Power Activation Videos

Every Sunday starting on July 13 for 19 weeks you will be sent a short motivational/inspirational video from Debbie Lynn Grace. Each video reminds you how to use a tool to access your authentic power. Students from the past have said they love these videos and look forward to them because it sets a positive mood for the week. Each video also carries a high vibration energy transmission to support you soul journey.

BONUS #4: One Ticket To Debbie’s Next Live Event

For the first time ever, Debbie is including a VERY special bonus as a registration of this program. She is giving you one ticket to her next live event in the first quarter of 2021. The date has not been yet confirmed, most likely it will be late February/early March of 2021. You will receive notice of the specific dates during the six month activation program. Normally her tickets to her 3-day events are $1997/ticket. You will get it  complimentary with your paid registration for the entire six month program.

9 Reasons To Invest In This Program TODAY!

#1: Learn how to live in high vibration thinking of prosperity, purpose and abundance.

You are conditioned to think that if you want to reach a goal you should make a plan and work harder. That conditioning is anchored in the low vibration of your subconscious. And this limited thinking is COSTING you time, energy, money and resources. It’s robbing you from happiness, joy, prosperity and purpose.

FORTUNATELY, you are prewired to actually live in the high vibration of prosperity. This course will show you how to RAISE your vibration to match your TRUE authentic self so that you start to ATTRACT and MANIFEST what you want instead of working and struggling to get what you want.

#2: Receive high vibration energy transmission in each class

Debbie transmits a high vibration energy frequency while she is teaching each class which is also included in the class recordings. This allows you to expand your energy field so that you start to raise your energy vibration and open up to receiving MORE of what you do want without any extra effort.

#3: Completely applicable to every situation in your life

Everything you learn in this course will help you get better results in EVERY area of your life. You will notice that things become easier for you to accomplish. You will feel more confident. And you will feel more connected to your own inner guidance about any situation.

#4: Customized to YOU

The course is designed so that you get the answers you need about your own life. Debbie will be teaching you the tools you need to ACTIVATE your own authentic power and then she will spend five months personally guiding you on how to implement them successfully into your own life.

#5: Material will be relevant for rest of your life

This course will help you grow and expand as you continue on your life journey. It will give you the fundamental tools to live from your authentic power in abundance and faith. It does NOT matter what happens in the world, how technology changes, what you are doing, where you live and what is happening in your life, this material will ALWAYS be relevant and applicable to your life.

#6: You will have traction to STAY in the high vibration of your soul path

When you are stressed, worried and overwhelmed while trying to accomplish a goal, it is so easy to get triggered into low vibration thinking of lack and limitation.
This program shows you how to get TRACTION to stay in the high vibration of prosperity and abundance. So when the heat turns up, deadlines need to be met, obstacles get in the way or challenges arise, you won’t be triggered down into despair. Instead you will find yourself more grounded and centered so that you have a higher level of discernment on how to move through any challenge with greater ease and grace.

#7: You will start living your purpose without trying!

Trying to search for your purpose is LOW vibration thinking, This path leads to confusion and disconnection to inner fulfillment. This course will show you how to lead a life of fulfillment and purpose and the form will start to reveal yourself day by day without you having to search for the answers.

#8: You will get better results in EVERY area of your life

By applying what you learn in this course to your daily life, you will notice that you get better results in EVERY area of your life whether it’s relationships, your health, your wealth or your career.

#9: This program is limited to only 50 participants so you get personal attention in a small group format.

This program is structured so that you get individual attention from Debbie over a five month period so she can personally guide you into applying the 6 step formula to your life so that you see actual results! Groups are structured to be a maximum of 10 people so that Debbie can focus on each individual person in the group in an intimate and safe setting.

Dearest Debbie – ‘Thank you’ is inadequate to express my heartfelt, no – ‘soul felt’ gratitude to you. Already the life implications are so massive!!!! Thank you for opening the door, leading me over the bridge, introducing me to my soul!”

~ Barb S.

Register By June 7. Only 50 Spots Available!

Debbie is now offering a live six month program that includes not only the live course but an additional five months of support so you get her personal guidance in your transformation. Debbie is offering this six month program. This program is limited to only 50 participants so that she can help you customize all the course material specifically to your own needs.

The registration fee is only $497/month. Plus, as one of the get four great bonuses you also get one ticket to her next 3-day live event. Normally she charges $1997 for one ticket. These four valuable bonuses are valued at more than the total cost of the six month program.

This program is only available until June 7 or when the 50 spots are filled, whichever comes first. 

If you can’t make a six month commitment at this time, you also have the option of just registering for the live 5-week course on “How To Get The One Thing Your Heart Desires.” The course registration by itself is a single payment of $997 or a 4-pay plan of ONLY $97 down plus 3 payments of $327/payment. The live course does include 2 live Q&A calls. (Registration in the course only does not include any of the bonuses offered in the six month program.)

Don’t wait to respond, as there are only 50 spots available in the six month program at this low price. Register Today!

“Debbie your continued stewardship is so appreciated. You’ve given me tools to conquer many things and become the person that I am. I firmly believe in everything you say and I hang on your every word. You are my guiding light.”

~ Roger A.


Yes I am ready to live a life of ease, flow and prosperity. Sign me up right now for the Six Month Power Activation Program.

I get the Six Month Power Activation Program, I receive:

  • #1: How To Get The One Thing Your Heart Desires 5 week live on-line tele-course with Debbie Lynn Grace – $2997 Value
  • #2: Comprehensive handouts for each module. – $497 Value
  • #3: Downloadable audio recordings of each class – $497 Value
  •  #4: Two Q&A Calls with Debbie Lynn Grace – $997 Value
  •  #5: Two Group Calls Per Month For Five Months (Small intimate groups) – $4997 Value
  • BONUS #1: Power Activation Background Self Assessment – $97 Value
  • BONUS #2: 30 Minute Power Activation Private session with Debbie Lynn Grace – ($497 Value)
  • Bonus #3: Weekly Power Activation Video (19 videos starting April 12) – ($197 Value)
  • Bonus #4: One Ticket To Debbie’s Next Live 3-Day Event – ($1997 Value)

TOTAL VALUE     $12,773

NOTE: As soon as you sign up for the Six Month Power Activation Program, you will get the registration details of the program.

Which Payment Option Would You Like?

OPTION 1 - Six Month Program

Six Month Power Activation Program. 6-pay of $497 US/month when you register by June 7, 2020.


OPTION 2 - 4 Week Live Class Only

How To Get The One Thing Your Heart Desires 5-week live on-line course only. Single pay of $997 or 4-pay of $97 down + 3 payments of $327 US/payment (2nd payment after 30 days). Must register by June 7 , 2020.

(second payment due 30 days later).

Please be assured your order is being processed on a secure server. (Once you register you should receive an e-mail with your registration confirmation and the course details. If you do not receive this e-mail, please contact us at

When you activate your authentic power as a highly sensitive person, you become magnetic, prosperous, unstoppable and aligned with your true soul path. Now is the time to de-activate the energy blocks affecting every area of your life and activate the power you have within to manifest not only the one thing your heart desires, but EVERYTHING you deeply desire. Remember, this program has only 50 spaces available for people who are READY to have the life they always envisioned for themselves. Don’t wait to register and ensure your space in the program.



P.S. Remember, this program is limited to 50 participants. Don’t wait to respond before the program fills up. Enrollment closes on June 9 or when the spots are  filled, whichever is first.


If you have any questions, please e-mail us at You will receive an e-mail response within 1 business day.

Cancellation Policy

You have until June 14, 2020 to cancel your registration into the Six Month Power Activation Program in order to get a refund of the amount you paid upon registration. This enables you to attend the first two live classes in the course to decide if this program is the right fit for you. You must e-mail us no later than June 14, 2020 at 10 PM Pacific to cancel your program registration and receive a full refund of the amount you paid when you registered.

If you cancel your registration into the Six Month Power Activation Program before the grace period of June 14, 2020, you will receive a full refund of the amount you made for your first payment. If you cancel after March 22, you will not receive any refunds for any payments you have already made into the program. If you cancel your registration into the Six Month Power Activation Program at any time during the six month period you will forfeit ALL bonuses that come with the program. (the private session with Debbie, the group calls and the weekly videos still left when you cancel and the ticket to her live event.)

To cancel your registration by June 14, 2020 at 10 PM Pacific for a full refund of the amount you paid, please send an e-mail to We will process your refund request within 3 business days and e-mail you a cancellation confirmation.

Please note: This six month program is an installment program with six monthly payments of $497. If any of your monthly payments are declined on your credit card, you must supply our office with a valid credit card on file within 3 days of notification of your declined card or you will not be allowed access to the course material or to participate in any of the other benefits of this six month program until we have a valid card on file for your payment. Any outstanding payments due over 30 days will be turned over to a recovery service along with an additional recovery service fee of $100.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent any class, product or service offered by Debbie Lynn Grace International.. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas presented in any of the materials you purchase through Debbie Lynn Grace International. Examples in any materials or classes you purchase from  Debbie Lynn Grace International.are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earnings potential is entirely dependent on the person using the ideas and techniques. We do not purport this as a “get rich scheme.”

Your level of success in attaining any results from our classes, products or services depends on the time you devote to your business, ideas and techniques mentioned, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions. Many factors will be important to determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results personally or professionally.

© 2020, All Rights Reserved. Debbie Lynn Grace International