Special Offer For People Ready To Step Into Their Soul Power
Introducing An Invitation From Your Soul To Take Quantum Leaps!
Join Us At The Sacred Gathering September 5-7, 2019
Dear friend,
My soul has been knocking on my door for over 25 years preparing me for my life’s calling. At first the messages started to come in my journaling. Sharing with me that I was meant to lead people worldwide in their personal transformation and evolution. At the time I received the first message I was just starting my own marketing consulting business. My head was focused on building the business and getting more clients. I had no context or understanding of what came through in my journaling, so I put it aside and focused on my marketing career.
Not long after I received that first message I went through a divorce. And as a suggestion from my sister, Lisa, I started to learn a form of energy work called Flow, Alignment and Connection™ to help with my own emotional healing. By day I continued to build my marketing consulting business. By night I went on the journey to heal my heart through this energy work.
And then something unexpected happened. As I got more clients, I could feel the energy of their businesses and know where the energy blocks were in their business. And then I started to get intuitive messages about their emotional blocks. And before you know it my spiritual world, energy skills and business skills started to intertwine. And ultimately, my clients not only experienced business transformation from our work together, but also they experienced personal transformation.
Since that first time I received a message of my calling 25 years ago, I have channeled documents that were clear on my path to assist people globally on their conscious evolution by helping them get into alignment with their soul.
The Day The Universe Sent Me On A Mission That Changed My life… Introducing The Sacred Gathering.
Then one day, the universe sent me on a mission. I found myself being guided to go to a formal charity event in Los Angeles. While the cause was worthy, my being there definitely felt soul guided. And when I got to the event, I ended all the way in the back in a room full of 800 people. I was seated as far away from the front of the room as possible. As soon as everyone was seated, four tenors came onto the stage to open up the evening’s program with a song.
And as they were singing, I closed my eyes and asked God “Why am I here?” And the answer that came back was very clear. I heard this message in my head, “You will be holding gatherings of people worldwide. And as you listen to the notes being sung right now while sitting in the back of the room, you can feel the vibration of their song throughout the entire room. You will gather people, including energy workers, healers, light leaders and people dedicated to their spiritual journey who will collectively raise their vibration, raise human consciousness and created powerful healing through the group vibration. There will be cataclysmic shifts for each person individually and quantum leaps at a soul level.”
I was stunned. I felt this message come through me so strongly, but I had no idea where to begin… until now. I have spent years upgrading my vibrations and downloading master teachings on soul alignment to prepare for the first Sacred Gathering.
And now the time has come. As you read this letter, know that your soul guided you to read these words.
The vibration of these words are meant for your upgrading and you are invited to be a part of the first Sacred Gathering in San Diego on September 5-7, 2019.
It is my honor to support you in YOUR evolution and soul alignment.
A Free Flowing Journey That Supports Your Individual Expansion
This will be a free flowing journey as Debbie is guided over the three days to allow the universal energy to deliver the messages that are most important to YOU individually and to the group.
Debbie will be tracking energy at multiple levels and work with high vibration frequencies to bring in powerful information that is transformative, revealing, insightful and will connect you to a new level awareness of your own personal journey.
No matter what level you are on your personal and spiritual path, Debbie will match the vibration frequencies that serve EACH individual participant in the group so you will have your own UNIQUE experience over the weekend.
The Sacred Gathering Has A Message For You
The Sacred Gathering has its own life force energy that has asked me, Debbie Lynn Grace, as a part of my life’s calling to partner with and bring into the world for your individual evolution and for global evolution on human consciousness.
This message will give you a deeper understanding of why it is here in service for YOU. Please accept this message as your invitation to the Sacred Gathering and also an invitation to receive the energy transmission of the individual words in the message.
The Sacred Gathering — To Take Quantum Leaps In Your Spiritual Evolution
The Sacred Gathering is a life force energy that is comprised of human consciousness at a collective vibration individual humans can not reach. It is a collective soul resonance.
The human soul is sacred. It is the highest vibration and a source of infinite wisdom.
This is a Gathering along the pilgrimage of your soul’s journey to support your human evolution, access your soul’s infinite wisdom and raise the vibration of human consciousness.
When you are drawn into the magnetic energy along with other humans at the Gathering, it magnifies the vibration collectively and individually so that there are CATACLYSMIC SHIFTS.
It asks you to bring your pain, your suffering, your disappointment, your sadness and your loneliness to the Gathering for renewal and to be replaced with love.
Here Is What You Will Experience At The Sacred Gathering That
Accelerates Your Healing, Awakening and Alignment
There is nothing that can take the place of the power of a transformational event that is live and in person. The group energy has an exponential effect that allows you to heal and release in a gentle, easy manner in an accelerated manner.
#1: Vibrational Upgrades
You will be immersed in high vibration frequencies for three days to assist in your healing, transformation and attunement to your soul. These transmissions help you gently dissolve old constrictive patterning that has held you back from living in a high vibration.
#2 Place Of Emotional Safety
This is a safe space where you can get in touch with your sacred vulnerability and be received in a room filled with unconditional love pouring in your direction so you feel seen, heard and accepted.
#3: Access to Debbie to get all your questions answered for three days.
This is the only format available Debbie offers where you will have access to getting ALL your personal questions answered for three days straight. You will leave the three days with a new sense of inner confidence and clarity on how to move forward in your life once The Sacred Gathering Is Over.
#4: Space of Love And Compassion
No two people’s journey’s are the same. But you are connected on a soul plane from the highest vibration of love. It is in this essence of love and compassion at The Sacred Gathering where you will meet strangers and quickly realize you have walked this journey when them before on a soul level. Through this connection of love and compassion you will be recognized and embraced.
#5: Space Of Healing
Just being in the space of The Sacred Gathering has its own healing and restorative affects. Debbie Lynn Grace will take you through a 3-day journey that is a balm to your soul and lovingly invites your ego to shed itself of all places that aren’t in love and replace and ground these spaces with love. This rewires your capacity to receive love and BE love moving forward.
#6: Cataclysmic Shifts
No one individual can experience a cataclysmic shift at the level that can be experienced through a group immersive experience in a high vibration. The Sacred Gathering is designed to support your human evolution through cataclysmic shifts over the three days by using the collective group energy source.
#7: Gentle Release And Healing With No Effort Or Work
The Sacred Gathering is a playground, a restorative space, a soul nourishing environment and a place for you to heal, renew and align with your soul. This is a gentle, yet powerful journey where you join in the FLOW of your soul which bypasses your conscious mind. So the effects reach you at a cellular level and happen without your conscious thought or conscious effort.
#8: Soul Nourishment
The Sacred Gathering is for humans who came into this lifetime to partner with your soul for an extraordinary journey. As you walk through the threshold and commune with your soul at The Sacred Gathering, you feel more vibrant and alive as you connect more deeply to all your soul qualities. You are free to reveal your true authentic self. This is the space where your radiance becomes the soul nourishment at a higher level you always knew was available to you.
#9: Tools For Healing, Transformation And Grounding
Throughout the three days, Debbie Lynn Grace will take you through an elegant and fluid journey that supports your healing, transformation and grounding. She will share with you tools that you can use easily as you continue your journey after the three days. You will be using these tools throughout the three days so you have a deeper understanding how to use them in your daily life and continue the deep connection to your soul after The Gathering Is Over.
#10: Awakening And Transforming Unaligned Identities
At The Sacred Gathering the identities that have been in fear, worry and lack will be healed and realigned. These identities will be transformed as they receive the vibrational upgrades needed to support you in your spiritual journey so they no longer hold you back from moving forward in a space of abundance and prosperity.
#11: Soul Alignment
It’s time to come home. Home to your soul. You have heard it calling you, guiding you, supporting you and steering you on the path of alignment. It always supports you in your continual evolution and expansion. The Sacred Gathering is where you EXPERIENCE the high vibrations of soul alignment.
#12: Activation Of Your Soul Manifestation Field
One of the gifts of being human is the power of manifestation. Your vibrational energies can create events and circumstances just through your thought and intention. At The Sacred Gathering you will connect with the high vibration of your soul manifestation field. In the soul manifestation field, you can create through intention and bypass any limitations from your subconscious mind that would stop the flow of bringing what you desire into the physical plane.
#13: Loving Community Where You Are Seen And Received
The Sacred Gathering is based on the vibrational energy frequency of a group of souls who commune on a plane that you as a human experience unconditional love. When you feel this vibration through your heart you reveal your true authentic self to other humans. This allows them to truly see you, embrace you and receive you.
#14: Meditative Integration
The vibration frequencies at The Sacred Gathering require periods of integration for the human body. There will be time for integration and restoration at The Sacred Gathering. The location for The Sacred Gathering was chosen specifically for you to experience nature and a harmonious environment that will support your renewal.
#15: Deep Connection To Your Soul And The Divine
If you have heard the calling of this invitation of The Sacred Gathering, your soul is letting you know you are READY to experience the connection you seek and bring into the light the parts that have been waiting for your awakening. Any cataclysmic shifts you experience are for you to experience your soul on a conscious level and strengthen your direct communication in a state of flow.
#16: Master Guidance and Energy Transmissions From Debbie Lynn Grace
Debbie Lynn Grace has spent the last 25 years dedicated to her spiritual journey and calling to assist in your evolution, vibrational upgrades, awakening, transformation and alignment. She will be guided throughout the three days with master teachings on soul alignment, guided meditations and energy transmissions that are specifically to assist each individual at The Sacred Gathering and also the group collectively.
#17: Expansion Of Your Capacity To Receive In Every Area Of Your Life
Every time you experience an upgrade in your own evolution, you expand beyond what your conscious mind allows to receive. The capacity of your soul space is infinite. As you align with your soul path you will embody a deeper understanding that receiving is an integral part of your human experience without any limitations. It is through this expanded space will be able to activate your soul manifestation field and receive the things you TRULY DESIRE.
Program Details:
Date: September 5-7, 2019
Place: San Diego, CA
The weekend will include live teaching, group interaction, experiential and transformational exercises, live questions and answers sessions, guided meditations, quiet introspection, mind, body and soul nourishment, play, magical experiences and FUN!
Included in your registration fee:
- Three full days of teaching and group facilitation with Debbie Lynn Grace.
- Three days of energy transmission from Debbie.
- Evening programs on Thursday and Friday nights.
- Networking opportunities
- Two special bonuses (see below)
The easy road to your dream life starts now….
When you register, you immediately become connected to the magnetic prosperous group energy field being set up for this event. That means your higher self is already setting a strong intention and commitment to experience GREAT expansion NOW to make way for the quantum leaps in your spiritual journey.
Register TODAY for The Sacred Gathering!
The program registration fee is $1997. You can save $500 on the registration fee when you register by August 11, 2019. Your registration fee is ONLY $1497. After August 11, 2019 the price goes up to $1997.
Two Special Bonuses Included With Your Registration
Bonus #1: 3-Part Tele-series To Upgrade Your Vibrational Energies In Preparation For The Sacred Gathering ($497 Value)
We will meet in a group teleseminar in August for three sessions on how to upgrade your vibrational energy frequencies and join in the flow to support you at The Sacred Gathering. You will be better prepared for the three days. You will also get a chance to ask Debbie your questions to have a deeper experience at the Sacred Gathering.
Bonus Two: Special Post Event Celebration on Saturday Evening After The Sacred Gathering Is Over ($97 Value)
Let’s rejoice and celebrate the expansion you experienced at The Sacred Gathering. September is one of the most beautiful months of the year in San Diego. You will get to celebrate outside with your new found friends and enjoy the beautiful ocean views and nibble on delicious treats.
This program is for you if:
- You are tired of letting your inner critic of judgement, failure or criticism which eats away at your confidence rule your life and instead tap into your inner voice of confidence.
- You want a solid support system to encourage you, motivate you, inspire you and help you who are loving, compassionate, empathetic and nonjudgmental.
- You want to know how to immerse yourself in the high vibration of prosperity and bypass all your fear based thinking.
- You want to transform your life from hard work and effort to get ahead and move to an intuitive place of ease and flow.
- You want to deepen your connection to your intuition and know how to hear and follow it’s guidance to lead you to an extraordinary life.
- You want to surround yourself with people who understand you, can relate to you and want to give to you.
- You want to experience being the RECEIVER and let the love, kindness and prosperity pour in YOUR direction.
- You want to spend a weekend of fun, transformation, learning, laughter, joy, healing and growth with a fun loving, kind, generous and very insightful group of people.
- You want to live an extraordinary life that is in alignment with your soul, your life purpose and your true authentic nature.
- You want to know how to tap into your authentic magnetism that draws the resources, opportunities, help and financial prosperity to support you on your path.
- You are ready to take QUANTUM LEAPS in your spiritual journey.
A life changing experience for you!
This isn’t a typical program where you spend three days filling your brain with information and taking copious notes that you never look at again after the event is over.
The Sacred Gathering is a three day retreat where you are immersed in a group energy of love, compassion, healing, possibility, kindness and safety so you can experience actual RESULTS during the three days in your own transformation.
This is a gift to YOURSELF to take relax and let the experience take you on a journey of healing, restoration, release , clarity, expansion and transformation.
While there will be plenty of time to take notes of the practical easy-to-implement tools and strategies you will learn, the power of The Sacred Gathering is in being in a high vibration for three solid days so you create traction in living the life you truly desire.
I have been doing these powerful, transformative events for over a decade. Everyone who walks away from this event will have a powerful unique experience that is life changing.
Here’s my promise to you…
#1: An emotionally safe and confidential environment filled with loving, kind and supportive people.
This is a loving, emotionally SAVE environment with people from all walks of life who are all there to experience a transformation that supports the life they truly desire.
You will be in a room filled with kind, loving, nonjudgmental people where you feel safe to be vulnerable and get nothing but love and unconditional support come back to you.
#2: Gentle release and healing with NO effort and work. It’s easy.
This is the place where there is NO effort or hard work to be able to transform. The shifts you experience be gentle and easy with no mental effort to get you to where you want to go.
#3: You will experience results DURING the weekend.
This is an immersive experiential program where you will experience shifts, changes, releases, transformation and clarity DURING the weekend.
#4: Leave the event know exactly who you are, what you want and need, and very practical tools to help you live authentically and an extraordinary life.
During the event, there will learn practical tools that you will practice DURING the event to help you get more grounded, get greater clarity, be more connected to your intuition and to move into a higher vibration. When you use these tools over the weekend, you will know how to continue to implement them into your life once the weekend is over.
#5: You will have access to me for three days.
In this event you have total access to me during the group interaction to get all your questions answered for three solid days straight. You won’t leave this event with any questions unanswered.
#6: You will leave with a solid support system of new friends who truly “see” how extraordinary you are and want to support you to live an extraordinary life!
You will walk into the room as strangers and leave The Sacred Gathering with a room full of friends who will want to support you after The Sacred Gathering is over.
Lifetime friendships are formed from every live event I do. It doesn’t matter if you walk in the room and are timid, shy or introverted. You will be welcomed into the group with open hearts and minds.
#7: You will have fun, laugh, release, heal, learn, transform, expand, ground, and feel deeply connected to your soul and authentic self.
This is a journey that is packed with information, strategies and tools woven in with powerful, transformative guided journeys, individual hot seats, loads of laughter, group interaction and some just plain fun!
You will learn how to be more in-tuned to your heart, your deepest desires, your needs and a much stronger connection to your intuition.
#8: You will have a much stronger connection to your intuition.
You will learn how to have a much deeper connection to your intuition so you can discern when you are hearing “true inner guidance” and when your ego is trying to convince you to take action that isn’t the right choice. You will walk away with peace of mind, knowing what is TRUTH of the right course of action in your life.
#9: You will move into a high vibration with no effort.
Debbie will be transmitting a high vibration energy transmission nonstop for three solid days. She will keep that high vibration energy strong whether she is teaching, answering questions and leading a group guided journey.
The high vibration energy transmission will move naturally move you into a higher vibration during The Sacred Gathering. And then when you leave, you walk away with the right tools to help you stay in that state.
#10: You will spend the weekend receiving…
Are you the generous person who tends to be the over giver? If so, this is the right place for you so you can finally RECEIVE. For once, you will be able to sit back, relax and not have to take care of anyone else AND instead have someone take care of you. You don’t have to DO anything. Just sit back and receive the love, the support and the guidance that comes your way. Plus, there will be a dedicated team at the event to take care of your comfort during the three days.
** The Sacred Gathering! RESERVATION FORM **
Yes I Am Ready To Take Quantum Leaps In My Life! Sign Me Up For The Sacred Gathering!
Here is what you will receive at The Sacred Gathering:
- Three days of teaching, group facilitation, releasing, expanding and Q&A with Debbie Lynn Grace
- Three full days of energy transmission including guided journeys from Debbie Lynn Grace
- Evening programs on Thursday and Friday
- BONUS: 3-Part Pre-event Teleseries On Raising Your Vibration To Experience Quantum Leaps.
- BONUS: Celebration Party on Saturday Evening (Light food will be served.)
- BONUS: Group support, friendship, connection and love in a safe environment.
~ $9,997 Value
~ $4,997 Value
~ $497 Value
~ $297 Value
~ $97 Value
~ Priceless
TOTAL VALUE – $15,885
NOTE: As soon as you sign up for The Sacred Gathering, you will get the registration details of the program.
Register By August 11 and Save $500!
If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to e-mail us at customercare@Debbielynngrace.com.
Cancellation Policy
Please note: We WANT you to attend the program you registered for. We can only fulfill on our mission to support you in your personal transformation if you attend the event you registered for. Once you register you are holding one of these limited spaces and we incur expenses immediately upon your registration for the program including but not limited to merchant fees, administration fees, materials costs, AV expenses, room rental expenses, meeting coordinator fees and hotel and food expenses based on your commitment to attend. In addition, any cancellation after the grace period prevents us from having adequate time in marketing efforts to fill your space.
Please read the cancellation policy below. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this cancellation policy.
Regular Registration Refund Policy For Any Registration made by July 1, 2019
Refund request within 3 days from registration date . For any cancellation request made within 3 days of your registration date, you will receive a refund of the program registration amount paid minus a $97 cancellation fee (not including any fees paid for the VIP upgrade). And you will lose all the bonuses for this program and in the VIP offer if you have upgraded to a VIP.
Refund request after July 1, 2019 For any cancellation request made after July 1, there is no refund for any amount paid for your registration. No exceptions. And you will lose all the bonuses for this program and included with the VIP package if you have upgraded to a VIP.
To cancel, please send an e-mail to customercare@Debbielynngrace.com and put in the subject line: Sacred Gathering cancellation. In the body of the e-mail include your name and contact information and the program you registered for that you are requesting a cancellation. We will reply to your cancellation request within two business days and process your request within 5 business days.
VIP Upgrade: The VIP upgrade is nonrefundable for any amount paid.
Please note: If you selected a payment plan and any payment is declined on your credit card, you must supply our office with a valid credit card on file within 3 days of notification of your declined card or you will not be allowed access to the live event until we have a valid card on file for your payment and you are paid in full for the program registration. Any outstanding payments due over 30 days will be turned over to a recovery service along with an additional recovery service fee.
Every effort has been made to accurately represent any class, product or service offered by Debbie Lynn Grace International.. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas presented in any of the materials you purchase through Debbie Lynn Grace International. Examples in any materials or classes you purchase from Debbie Lynn Grace International.are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earnings potential is entirely dependent on the person using the ideas and techniques. We do not purport this as a “get rich scheme.”
Your level of success in attaining any results from our classes, products or services depends on the time you devote to your business, ideas and techniques mentioned, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions. Many factors will be important to determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results personally or professionally.
© 2019, All Rights Reserved. Debbie Lynn Grace International